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Thursday 26 June 2014

Raw Blueberry Cheesecake with Blueberry Jam Topping

So some friends and I decided to form a "Raw/Superfood Dinner club" and this week was our first get together. I nominated myself to be in charge of dessert. It required feeding quite a few people, 10 mouths in fact, so i needed something that was large enough to go around & which tasted close to the real deal (as not all the boys have bought into this Raw food thing just yet). I decided to go for a Raw Blueberry "cheesecake" as I've always wondered what it actually tastes like & they look so pretty. The dish was relatively simple to make the only thing that can become quite time consuming is waiting for each layer to set before applying the next. If you are not patient & do not wait for all layers to set you run the risk of your colourful layer effect getting ruined (as is what happened to me at first) so be careful!

The cheesecake turned out to be a huge a hit so i thought i'd share the recipe for those of you that like the idea and are keen to try it out for yourselves:


1/2 Cup raw Almonds
1/2 Cup raw Hazelnuts
1 Cup Coconut Shreds
1 Cup Pitted dates
2 Tbsp Cacao (or unsweetened cocoa) - Cacao you can buy at Dis-Chem or your local health shop
Coconut Oil

3/4 Cup Freshly squeezed Lemon Juice
2/3 Cup melted coconut oil 
1 tsp salt
2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup Honey or Agave
3 Cups of raw cashews (soaked overnight in water or at least for 3 hours)
1 cup of your favourite berries (fresh) - I used blueberries

Blueberry Jam topping:
1 cup of your favourite berries (fresh or frozen)
2 tbsp Chia seeds
4 tbsp Honey or agave (which you can buy from Dis-Chem or any local health store)

Keep some leftover berries for toppings. You can also add things like coconut shavings or nuts - whatever you like really!


Soaked dates in hot water for 20 mins until soft
Add all the ingredients to a blender and pulse until you have a rough flour that's slightly sticky. Press the mixture into a cake tin/dish lined with baking paper or plastic wrap on the bottom (makes it easier to take it out in perfect shape). Put in the fridge for 30 mins to set.

Filling White layer:
Blend together all filling ingredients EXCEPT your berries until the mixture becomes a smooth, thick, rich cream. Spoon filling as your second layer over your already set crust. Put back in the fridge for another 30 mins (or a little longer) until set.

Filling White Purple:
Blend your berries with the remaining filling. Spoon this colourful mixture as your third layer on top of your already set "white filling" layer. Put back in the fridge for around 45 mins or preferably over night (make sure your mixture is set before tipping your cheesecake out the dish to avoid the layer effect getting ruined). 

Blueberry Jam Topping:
For the topping take 2 tbsp Chia seeds and soak them in 5 tbsp water for 10 mins until it forms a thick Jam-like Jelly. Blend together this Jelly with your berries & honey.
Spoon over your cheesecake and add any toppings you like. I chose left over frozen berries.

Eat & Enjoy! :)

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