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About Me

Hello everyone, my name is Kate I live with my husband and 2 kitty cats in Durban, South Africa. I work a full time job managing software development & QA teams. I'd like to say that I live quite an active most forms of excercise but my preference would have to be road & more recently trail running.

For the past year and a bit I decided to eliminate meat & follow a pescatarian diet in the hopes of becoming a healthier version of me. I am certainly no professional in the kitchen & have no cooking qualifications I simply have a passion for healthy eating & love sharing what i find & make with others. I am amazed at the incredible dishes you can make from healthy ingredients.

Pretty.Healthy.Food  is a sometimes vegan, sometimes raw, always 100% healthy food blog which i put together mainly due to the request of others as well as to have my very own central respository for recipes.
My focus is on quick, easy recipes made with fresh, healthy ingredients. All recipes are Gluten & Wheat Free, contain very low carb content (if any) & are Sugar Free. They do however from time to time contain some Dairy products & eggs so not entirely vegan.

My site is still very much a work in progress so all constructive, positive feedback & requests are most welcome. I hope you enjoy!

Please see contacts page for contact form.